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Existing Members

If you are an existing Member and wish to place your order:
- Sign in and order from using your online account.
- Forgot your sign in information? Visit the Username/Password
help center. - If you do not already have an online account,
create one today.
It takes just minutes!

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Thank you for your interest in Melaleuca. To learn how you can
become a Melaleuca Preferred Member, contact the person who referred you
to this site.

If you found this site through an online search, or you don't
remember who referred you please call +63 (2) 8537 9070
for more information.

Melaleuca of the Philippines, Inc.
Ground Floor KDC Plaza, 2212 Chino Roces Avenue
Barangay Pio del Pilar, Makati City 1230
Brgy. Pio del Pilar, Makati City
Metro Manila, Philippines
General Line: +63 (2) 8537 9000
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